What a day folks... what a day. I woke up this morning at 0500, as I do every day, and I started opening web-pages for all the online newspapers I read over each day. More often than not, I take note of the first few lines, the middle lines and the ending lines, and then check readers comments to see if it is sparking a lot of attention. If it does, and the 3 spot check (first/middle/last) appears promising, I read the entire story.
As I was reading through the 30th or so story, I came across a piece in the Tulsa World talking about State budget cuts. Initially, I wasn't very interested in this, even though I had read the entire column. Given... it is very interesting to see what is being cut, but, I'm not as concerned with what is being cut as I am with what is not.
Let me give you the basic gist of the story. The State, not very long ago, had most of its agencies take an across the board 7% budget cut. Over the last 3 months, the Office of State Finance has imposed additional 5% cuts to general funds. Obviously, this means a lot of state level agencies are going to get nailed and a lot of citizens are going to be hit hard.
So what got me interested in this story? This did....
Msdash00, Rural (10/18/2009 10:15:30 AM)
Greedy, self serving, ‘slave oriented’ capitalism is where Oklahoma employment problems began and our tax dollars shifted out of Oklahoma’s pocket!I challenge we repeal exemptions provided greedy companies that eventually shipped those Oklahoma jobs out of state and into foreign countries breaking our communities. Oklahoma workers were shammed!
Talk about an ignorant, stupid and uneducated comment from someone you can almost guarantee is sucking up stolen tax dollars to pay for their welfare babies.
Folks... when I see something so absolutely ignorant... I can't help but say something.
Let me tell MsDash00 a thing or two about capitalism and what has really contributed to destroying Oklahoma.
Here's what capitalism did to Oklahoma...
Capitalist... you know... those greedy, slave oriented, racist, women beating baby hating men, came to Oklahoma early on and began forging their ideas into financial success. They invested their own money, time, sweat and tears into what became the cornerstones of the Oklahoma economy. They took note of Oklahoma's vast natural resources, such as land suited for farming as far as the eye could see, and began the footwork, literally, for providing very needed resource to citizens. Beyond providing food to the consumers, they provided work. This work brought more people to Oklahoma. Demand increased and as new farming technologies became available, so did jobs. Then of course the big oil boom took off, and more jobs than Oklahoma could have imagined, were brought to Oklahoma by capitalist investors.
As more workers came to Oklahoma, wise capitalist investors, who saw their need for necessities, such as food, shelter, clothing and transportation, opened businesses, providing more jobs to provide for those particular needs. And of course, as more businesses opened their doors, more jobs were created, more resources were needed, demanding more businesses be opened, and more jobs being created. It most literally, was a steady climb up the economic ladder of success. Wise, brave capitalist, willing to invest and stake their fortunes, most literally, created the Oklahoma economy and provided every single job the state had. Not a single man or woman was employed without the efforts of capitalist investors. Even government provided jobs, came at the demand of population growth, which came from capitalist investors providing jobs and bringing more people to the state, causing more families to settle the state and providing need for basic government services.
Now... this is where the real problem started... not with capitalist... but government services.
The government, in the form of a republic, has very few responsibilities. One of them, and perhaps the most important, is to assist, at the will of the people, in providing protection against foreign and domestic threat, i.e., law enforcement. Early on, formal fire brigades provided by the government, at the will of the tax payers, became a part of government as well.
Then something happened... the great depression.
For those unfamiliar, I find it wise to explain the great depression very briefly.
In 1929, the United States entered what is known as the great depression. By 1932, private business owners, individuals and government were spending more money than they had in 1929. This move marked the beginning of the end for the depression. How did this so rapidly happen though? Government...
The government decided it what its job to step in and provide assistance to citizens without work. The government began raising taxes on the wealthy and redistributing that money into social welfare programs. This began the beginning of the end to republic government, and, believe it or not, began the situation we are now in.
What would have happened if the government did not get involved with the great depression? It would have lasted a short while longer... but not much longer. Economies go up and down folks. When that happens, people sometimes suffer. That, as unfortunate as it may be, is simply a part of life. Regardless... had the government not got involved with something it should not have been involved in, we would likely not be in the situation we are in today.
Why? I'm glad you asked... I'll explain.
This was the first time that politicians learned the power of providing money to citizens. "He who provides the money, is provided for at the polling booth." Benjamin Franklin said, "When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
Politicians since that time have taken note of the ability to gain votes by providing social welfare, and thus, many have embraced it time and again. They also learned that taking the side of lazy, slothful citizens, and turning against capitalist, would also gain them votes. How? ... "It's not fair that this guy at the top should get all the money, you hard working folks should get a little more on your end of the cut." ... That's how.
Government began not only providing more social programs, but they began unconstitutionally providing legal protection to workers unions. While all cases were not handled legislatively, many were. The remaining were handled judicially (judges ruling in favor of greedy workers, and not hardworking, investing capitalist).
As time has progressed, workers have formed more and more unions, demanding ever increasing wages, increased benefits, health insurance, retirement, etc and so on. As this increased, business owners, being wise, started to seek alternatives to help benefit them. Why benefit them (the business owners)? Because the company they invested their lives and fortunes in, does not exist to serve the financial needs of its workers, it exist to provide benefit to the owner(s)... period. When the government steps in and basically robs those capitalist investors of their benefits, those investors, eventually, are going to find another way around the mountain. And thus, we arrive at one of the two prime reasons for the outsourcing comment made by the ignorant and honestly, just plain stupid person.
Outsourcing did not occur because of greed on the part of capitalist, it was because of greed by undeserving, ungrateful workers and greedy, voter hungry politicians. Companies have, in increasing numbers, moved overseas because those countries, many of them socialist countries at that, do not force them to pay minimum wages, or provide health insurance, or retirement packages, or unfair and unheard of wages.
The simple, and brilliant thing about capitalism is this... capitalism builds successful nations. Capitalism does this by providing jobs. Those jobs, will demand both skilled and unskilled labor. Unskilled labor is going to find itself at the low end of the salary scale. If you want to make more money, you make yourself more valuable to the employer. The more valuable and difficult you are to replace, the more you can negotiate your wages with your employer. Now... if your employer won't agree to your wages... then quit and find one that will. Make yourself more valuable to the market you are in, make sure your value is noticed by not only your employer, but competing employers, and you'll find yourself becoming very financially successful. Choose to be less valuable, aka, "a dime a dozen" employee, and you'll find yourself at the lower end of financial success.
Now... reason number two that many companies have outsourced...
Social welfare programs... which come from what? That's right... taxes.
Most capitalist are small business owners. As such, they file their business taxes with their personal taxes. As the government wrongfully raises taxes on the wealthy, it either causes many business owners to ultimately give up, or it causes them, if they are large enough to afford the move, to send their jobs overseas. Many, many, many small business owners take home 40-60,000 bucks per year... however, they file on their taxes an income range in the hundreds of thousands. This places them in the ultra-high tax level and robs them of as much as 50% of their personal income. It would only make sense for these people to eventually close their business and find private employment so they get more of their money, or to close the doors at home and open the doors overseas.
Folks... the gross ignorance displayed by the person who made the comment at the beginning of this column is shared by many Americans. I would safely say 1 in 3 people in our nation are dumb asses. Thus, if you are reading this, and two of your friends are as well, and they get it and you don't... well... tag, you're it. You're the dumb ass.
It is not capitalism, or the greed of capitalist that has caused the mess we are in, it is greedy politicians and greedy, unsuccessful, slothful workers who caused it.
And you know what, while I'm at it, I'll expand this just a little bit further.
The story I read also made mention of certain tax payer provided medical care being cut... such as in-home nurses for low-income pregnant women. First of all... What!? In-home nursing care for pregnant women. Seriously? Do you suppose those women had trouble finding a ride to the club or the party they got pregnant at? I bet they can find a ride to the doctor as well. Second... low-income pregnant women... that itself is the problem folks. The problem here, is not that the state is going to have to cut back on this program, the problem is, most literally, the low-income pregnant women.
I'm going to let you in on a little secret here...
I know... I know... it's your RIGHT to have sex... it's your RIGHT to have kids. Yes... you are right, it is your RIGHT. But it is also your RESPONSIBILITY to make wise decisions. It's your RESPONSIBILITY to not get pregnant if you can't take care of your RESPONSIBILITY. There's absolutely no sympathy story you can find that is going to make me think otherwise. Quite frankly, in the immortal words or Major Payne, "If you want my sympathy, look in the dictionary between shit, and syphalis, that is where you will find my sympathy."
Let's run a few different sob stories I've heard, and I'm sure you have as well.
"My baby daddy don't take care of he kids."
"She don't know where the daddy is, he just took off."
"He said he was gonna be there, but then he disappeared."
"I had to drop out of high school to take care of my kid so I can't get a good job."
And my favorite...
Preggo: "I'm pregnant", family response, "Do you know who the daddy is?"
There's the problem folks... not whether or not we can provide nurses... but the above statements... those are the problems.
If you want your "baby daddy" to be around, don't have kids with someone who lives the life and mentality where "baby daddy" is an accepted phrase. If you want him to be around, have kids with a husband, one who you have known for years and developed a true, trusting relationship with. If you think a pregnancy would cause you to drop out of school, don't get pregnant. And I know this one will stir up the hate emails... If you can't afford the kid... DON'T HAVE SEX. Abortion is NOT an acceptable answer... personal responsibility is. If you can't afford a kid, and cannot assure having sex will not lead to one, then don't have sex. Period.
Speaking of abortion and social welfare programs... I just want to make one last little side note here folks.
When it comes to politics, I'm a "one or the other" type of guy. You can have it one way, or you can have it the other, but you can't have it both.
The government endorses and in some cases, pays for abortions. Why? Because the government believes that a fetus, until a certain stage, usually the end of the 1st trimester, is not a viable life that needs protection.
We'll call this having it one way.
Now... having it the other way.
The government, without question, provides full benefits, financially, medically, etc, to low-income pregnant women from the time they discover they are pregnant until the kid hits age 18.
This is a case of having it not just one way, but the other way as well.
Either the fetus is a life, or it is not a life... it cannot be both.
So... either the kid isn't a life, and we, the taxpayer, should provide abortions, while at the same time, we, the taxpayer, will not be burdended with providing welfare to the pregnant mother because it isn't a life inside of her which needs our protection of its well-being.
Or... We, the taxpayer, continue to provide full welfare to the pregnant mother from the moment she discovers she is pregnant, because indeed, there is a life inside of her, and, we ban abortions because, indeed, abortion, would be murder of a life. A life which requires us, the taxpayer, to provide for it's well-being.
I think that about sums up my thoughts for this morning. I bid you good day folks.
Matthew Q. Llewellyn, Founder
The American Libertarian Movement
Inside the Mind of Matt
Copyright 2009 Matthew Q. Llewellyn
Monday, October 19, 2009
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