Saturday, December 13, 2008

Why I Carry a Gun

Why I Carry a Gun?

By Matthew Llewellyn, Founder
America's Conservative Movement

I don't carry a gun because I'm paranoid about the government, I carry a gun because my government is paranoid about me.

I don't carry a gun because I know people will listen to me, I carry a gun because when I cry for help, I know in this world those walking by will not listen.

I don't carry a gun because I think the police can't do their jobs, I carry a gun because when precious seconds count, the police are minutes away.

I don't carry a gun because I can't wait for the moment to shoot someone, I carry a gun because criminals can't wait for the moment to shoot us.

I don't carry a gun because I want to be a road side hero, I carry a gun so if I come by a criminal overpowering one of our brave police officers, I can quickly save their life.

I don't carry a gun because I don't care about my families safety with a gun in the home, I carry a gun because I do care about my families safety in the home.

I would like you all to know that the "I don't carry a gun ... " idea was not mine. I read it and I decided rather than copy someone else's work, I would base it on my own beliefs and spin them onto the "I don't carry a gun because ..." methodology.

So why do I carry a gun? The true answer is, I am protecting individuality. I am protecting the very existence of the individual itself.

When someone is taking away your gun, when they are saying you can't have one, they are not protecting others from you, they are protecting themselves from you because they know they have a reason to fear you.

If any of you have children and they are receiving their government brain washing at one of our fine government indoctrination centers (aka public schools), the I am going to ask you to do two things.

1) Pull your head out of your donkey and get your children out of those schools!

2) Call your child's principal and ask them, "If my child is being physically bullied, and they stand up for themselves and physically defend themselves, what will happen to them?"

I'm going to tell you what will happen because I already know, I've seen it, read about it and heard about it thousands of times.

Your little boy or girl is going to be punished. It doesn't matter that your child did not start the fight, because your child took part in a fight, and fighting is wrong, they are going to be punished.

Side note... the school is right. Fighting is wrong. Kicking someones butt in defense of your own is not. Murder is wrong. Shooting a punk, thug criminal in the head before they get a chance to kill you or an innocent person around you is not wrong.

So why are the government schools now punishing kids for defending themselves? For the same reason they are trying to, and in some instances have, unconstitutionally taken away our guns.

When you deny someone the right to defend themselves you deny them their freedom. When you deny that most basic of our founding, God given tenants, to defend ones own self against the onslaught of another, you deny their individuality.

Why would someone want to deny, or, eradicate, the individual? Very simple.

It is impossible to have a government which rules over the people with unquestioned supremacy if the people are individuals. Being an individual means having the right to own land, having the right to start a business, having the right to invest in capital interests and have a capital return. It means having the right to choose what faith to believe, to choose how to educate your children, to have the freedom to say "yes" or "no." It means being 100% free to decide how to live your life. It means you answer to no one but your God, yourself and the court. Being an individual means having the ability to be owned by no one, to be guided in life, within the letter of moral law, by your own hearts desires. And, it means, if a force comes against you, and your neighbors, you know you have the right to kick the crap out of the person doing it to protect your freedom, your, individuality.

The men who formed our country were not fools. They understood this very well. Because we have not grown up with an (openly) tyrannical government, most of us do not understand the preciousness of individuality. We take for granted these things held so dear to the founding fathers hearts, that they were willing to be hanged to defend them.

Those men knew what it was to have your freedoms taken away, to have your individuality threateneded. The King saw the freedom in the colonies, the growing commerce through capitalism, the growing power of the colonies because of it; and he didn't like it. The King wanted to control it, he wanted to own it. He tried things like imposing more and more laws against the people's rights in the name of protecting the general public. He imposed tighter regulations on free trade; capitalism. He imposed taxation without representation (this means, the people were not represented in government, had no one speaking for their interests or to say what could and could not be done with their collected taxes) and he raised the taxes higher and higher. There was no way to stop him.

He placed standing armies among the people during this time to control anyone who might cause dissensionon within the colonies against the King. He recognized early on, as anyone of that time did, that he can control the masses and capitalize off of them basically through enslavement through legislation, but only if he could do away with those pesky rebels, those horrible, traitorous, unholy radicals, who believed in freedom of the individual, and a God given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. For they knew in order to have these things, the government can never be more powerful than the people. The acts of the people had to benefit the people first and if the people so desired, the government second. They knew this was the only way to protect themselves from having their monies wrongly taken away, from having one human force which all men must answer too without question, and from religious persecutionon, particularly, the movement of the Catholic church to do away with Protestant faiths through forced government religion) ...

(I know, I know, I know... every single one of my Catholic friends and family are going to want to react to that... I can't blame you, I just said something about your faith. Please keep in mind, I am not speaking of you, or the Catholic church today. I am speaking of a particular time within the churches history in which it shouldn't be real proud of. And, because people like me let no one forget things like this, the church honorably dedicated itself to removing those within its ranks that desired to oppress people unto one forced religion. ALL... note again... ALL religions, cultures, etc, have moments in time which they are not proud of. Don't take it personally, take it as it is, historical knowledge. If, by some chance, you weren't aware of this, simply google "protestant oppression; 18th century" and make sure you have time to read. Again... those who know not history are damned to repeat it.) Moving on...

Our founding fathers were individuals. They were every single definition of the word individual and they believed in individuality with resolve unseen in most of today's world. So what did they believe the individual had to do when they saw a tyrannical government coming at them, when they saw their very freedom, and potentially their existence, for believing in this freedom being threatened? Let's go to the Declarationon of Independence for that answer... (I've copied and pasted the second paragraph, except the last sentence which basically says "here's why.")

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. (pay attention here!!!) But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States....

There it is from the horses mouth. You will note I placed in "red", those areas which you really needed to pay attention too, and, those in blue were showing how often "rights" comes up as a word with these men who believed in freedom, in, individualism.

One of the first actions of the King, as all my fellow historians will know, was to disarm the colonies. Why? If the people don't have weapons equal to or superior to the government's, the people can not defend themselves. His next decree was that all the rebels be rounded up, charged as traitors and executed as such. Why? Inflict fear on enough people and remove those who know how to rally the people and sure enough, you'll find yourself to be a King.

Personally, the only King I will bow my knee to is the one who's temple was torn down and rebuilt in three days... Can I get an amen?

Why I carry a gun... the title of this column. I carry a gun because I recognize that there is evil in this world. I carry a gun because I know there are people in power who want to have absolute control over our lives. I carry a gun because I know that my carrying a gun scares these people. Because they know their history, and they know that people with a gun also have the ability to, and most certainly will, defend themselves against tyranny.

I don't carry a gun because I hope to use it, I don't carry a gun because I want to battle my government. In no way, shape, form or manner is that why I carry a gun.

I carry a gun to remind those in power who have become power hungry, that I, and people like me, have those guns. And I pray, that so long as we keep reminding them we have the power to defend ourselves, that we will ultimately never have to.

I hope my gun, your gun, and all the guns in the country, will be just like you and I, peaceful to the day we are laid in our graves... hopefully, at a ripe old age.

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