Thursday, February 26, 2009

The next step to oppression: Create a weak resistance

The next step to oppression: Create a weak resistance
By Matthew Llewellyn, Founder
America's Conservative Movement

Those power hungry people hiding in front of media cameras and the D.C. spot light are preparing their next step in the removal of the Constitution and the full oppression of the American people under their desired iron fist.

President Obama and the hate filled Jeff Holder have state that they desire to bring back the assault weapons ban which Bush wisely allowed to expire in 2004.

Let's keep this column simple... Why? And what do they want to ban?

Let's handle the second question first.

They want to ban citizens from owning all types of assault rifles and all high capacity magazines. In addition to prohibiting the sale, they will prohibit the ownership at all, even if you already own it. There will be no grandfather clause. If they succeed, you will have to surrender at your own will, your assault rifles and high capacity magazines before the law would take effect. If you do not, the moment it becomes law you will become an overnight felon, subject to having your door kicked down, your home invaded by Gestapo like police and yours guns forcefully taken. You will then be hauled off to jail.

Now the first and important question... Why?

This is an easy answer, a scary one, but easy. Those people who are dreaming of ruling over you with an iron fist do not want you to be better armed than the government is. The founding fathers warned us about this many times. Noah Webster said;

"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe." (PAY ATTENTION HERE~~>) "The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops."

Before these Hitler wanna-be's can fully implement their plans, they know they have to disarm the people, or at the least, make sure they are not equipped as well or superior to the governments forces. So long as they do this, they know the resistance they meet will be easily overpowered, allowing easy conquering of the people.

Just as you can learn from the wisdom of the founding fathers, the socialist in Washington can learn from them too. They are paying attention to exactly what the framers warned us about and they are doing exactly that. Why? Because the men who formed this nation were not fools, they knew what it would take to make a free nation, and they knew what it would take to conquer that nation. They made sure we were aware of both sides of the knowledge. Truly, it is up to us where we allow that knowledge to take us.

I bid you good day.

Silence by the libs...

Silence by the libs
By Matthew Llewellyn, Founder
America's Conservative Movement

Why would one person want to silence another person? There are a number of reasons. Parents want to silence crying babies. Teachers want to silence disruptive students. Employers want to silence obnoxious employees. And... for the purpose of this article, Liberals want to silence anyone who doesn't agree with them, namely, Conservatives and Libertarians. The question of the day is; Why?

If you stay current with the happenings and what-nots of Washington you have heard of the fairness doctrine. If not, I'll explain it. (If you are familiar, save yourself 30 seconds and skip the following paragraph.)

Liberals want to enact what they call the fairness doctrine in order to bring what they call fairness to radio and television. Why? Because liberals can not make it in talk radio. They have tried to do it unsuccessfully many times. With the exception of 3 bigger guys, such as Don Imus (who was wrongfully attacked for his free speech... that's right.. I'm defending the democrat), liberals can't make it in talk radio. Why? Because they're idiots, they're not entertaining, they're very dry and they have no valid points to make. The programmers cancel the show due to low ratings because advertisers won't pay to promote their products on poorly rated shows. So, to fix this, the liberals call it unfair and as we know, everything has to be fair with the liberals, so they wrote the fairness doctrine. Radio channels will have to match minute for minute programming... period. If a conservative is on for 43 minutes of airtime in an hour, then they will be required by law to give a liberal 43 minutes of airtime... at their financial loss of course.

Well the fairness doctrine isn't grabbing a lot of power thanks to Conservatives who will not budge. So, the liberals are going a little farther, they are looking to censor talk radio. How? They claim that the airways are owned by the public, and the government controls the public and must regulate the content of it to assure appropriate programming. (Their words, not mine.)

They are trying to get it to the point where Conservatives will not be able to give their opinions anymore. They will be required to objectively report the news, and only the news. (Because we all know how nonobjective liberal media is.)

Will their plans pass? At some point down the road... quite possibly so.

Why? ... Liberal citizens ... which will bring me to the real purpose behind this article.

I come across liberals all day long, every single day. I cross paths with them online though email, forums and live-debate rooms. I cross paths with them on the streets, at meetings, at work, in all kinds of places. What have I learned (as I am sure you have as well)? Liberals do not debate... period.

Anytime I try to openly debate with a liberal they do something to silence me. If I have posted on Craigslist (a public forum), they flag my posting causing its removal. If I am in a chat they click "inappropriate language" which automatically boots you from the chat. If I email them responding to their articles/post, they email me back not debating, but with hate mail. If in public, they find some way to insult me, call me a racist, bigot, sexist, whatever they can, and then tell me how "this is a free country I don't HAVE to debate with you."

Let me give you some examples real fast... the following are emails I have received in the past week...

I sent "Why do you believe Obama's health care plan will benefit the nation as a whole?"

Liberal replied:
Oh, hi. I was wondering if I would get any emails from fat paramedics this evening. Must be my lucky night!Put down the burgers bro. You're not gonna last much longer.

I sent "Can you explain to me why you voted for Obama, and who is the current Vice-President and Speaker of the House?"

Liberal replied:
"STFU and stop trying to brainwash me with your parties bull sh*t propaganda."

I sent "I read your post. Can you explain the reason you believe guns should be banned?"

Liberal replied:
"You are obsolete. Die off already so we can evolve socially."

I sent "Did you vote for Obama because he is milano, or because you support his issues? If for his issues, can you please explain his plan for reducing the federal deficit?"

Liberal replied:
"F*ck you f*cking coward racist capitalist pig! Take your racism back to your house and die a cowards death f*cker!"

I posted an article on the ACM myspace page, and I received a reply from a liberal reader.

Liberal reply:
"You're an idiot. all you had to do was be alive back then to know those facts but I'm sure you choose to ignore them. I hope you haven't been breeding although I'm sure you have an abundance of blank canvasses that you really can't pay for thus handing down your legacy of idiocy and finger-pointing.President Obama may respect your right to exist but I don't have toPlease "..." Explode."

("..." = I've censored out really bad parts in the last one.)

There are hundreds more but I don't feel like going through and editing them as they are highly profane and it would take quite a while to do so. I think I've made my point with the five I have shared with you.

Interesting note... Liberals call us close-minded, etc... yet they are the ones who refuse to listen to both sides and openly discuss the issues... which is all I am trying to do with them. I want to listen to their side, discuss the issues, prove with logic, education, history and fact why they are mislead and therefore wrong, and bring them over to the right side... Oh well.

So what causes these hate filled responses? What drives liberals to such extremes in attempts to silence conservatives and libertarians? Why do they refuse to debate us?

Because deep down, they know we're right folks... and they know there is no way they can possibly win in an educated open debate. That's why.

Folks... liberal citizens and liberal legislators want to silence us because they know, without any doubt, if there is open, honest, educated debate, that's it for them. Their games will be over, their lies will be exposed, and that's it. Game over... they lose... and they know it.

Folks... this is exactly why the framers of freedom wrote the 1st Amendment. They wanted to assure the government would never have the power to silence the citizens. Why? Because when government has that power, it's game over for the citizens.

We have given them that power my friends. The government has a lot of control over what we say and what we do. In fact, if you speak out strongly against government, you very well can be charged with a crime and thrown in jail.

Because we have sat by and allowed our freedom of speech to be taken away, liberal citizens now support and believe the government has the right to regulate what we say. That is a serious issue and a very dangerous problem. And folks... they're trying to do it. It is in the works and already being discussed in the Obama administration... this isn't a "they might try" it's a "they're trying."

We're headed to socialism/fascism folks... quite possibly communism. I keep warning you and I know some of you heed this, but a lot of you, while supporting our cause to take back our liberties, you still sit idly by, ignorant to the people in Washington who clearly are working towards abolishing the Constitution and creating an iron fist government.

I warn you again... it IS coming. I promise you it's only a number of years away before they are going to make their move.

They are trying to silence us and keep our opinions against government quiet. Why? So we don't motivate the masses to resist. They are trying to force us to register the location of our guns and keep current our current level of ammunition and where it is kept. Why? So they know exactly which doors to knock on and which ones to kick down. They're trying to take away assault rifles, high capacity magazines and armor piercing bullets. Why? So they are better equipped than we are.

My friends... there's only one reason for all of this and if you can't see it by now... may God have mercy on you when they make their move... for you will be unprepared and sitting like that of an injured sheep in the herd when the lion comes.

I bid you good day.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cowards, Racism or Culture?

Cowards, Racism or Culture?
By Matthew Llewellyn, Founder
America's Conservative Movement

I'm speaking to all of you "cowards" today. Although I don't know which of you are, I know some of you are. Well, at least you are by the standards of Eric Holder, America's first black Attorney General. It would seem it is his general opinion that if you don't hang out with people of another race when you are outside of your work place, then you, sir or ma'am, are a coward.

As you all know I read many, many papers on a daily basis and this particular story I found on the Kansas City Star website. It would seem that the papers are only covering those stories which show how evil and racist America is. Just hypothetically, if the Honorable George Bush would have sent 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan and another 5,000 or so to Iraq, the news would have crucified him. However, realistically, when President Obama did this last week, you never heard a single word about it outside of conservative media.

Folks, don't get me wrong. It's not that I'm opposed to presbo doing it, in fact I support him doing it. It's that if Bush would have done this, because they were playing the anti-war card solely to make him look bad, they would have put up a picture of lucifer, a tombstone and some shots of dead kids in the sandbox. What's the truth? The media doesn't care about the war, or anything for that matter. They only care about progressing the liberal, leftist, socialist agenda and for whatever reason, making America look bad.

I'm getting off topic, let's return to our racist first black attorney general Eric Folder.

It would seem good ole' Eric believes America has come a long way in diversifying the work place, but the country as a whole is only pretending to be a melting pot of diversity. He said he has great concern for the racial activities of Americans outside of their work, such as when they go to lunch, when they go on break, and when they are not at work. Eric believes the government has come a long way (>>not the people, the government<<) in assuring diversity in the work place, but Americans as a whole still self-segregate themselves outside of work... and that is just being a coward.

Let me quote the black attorney general Eric Holder, "Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards...".

Why? Because white people don't hang out with black people outside of work. Likewise, because all races, for the most part, don't hang out with each other outside of work. That makes us cowards. Black Eric Holder (I don't want him to accuse me of being afraid to talk about race/color) says that's because we're cowards and we are scared of racial issues.

Folks... this is ridiculous... why? Because this has nothing to do with race whatsoever. The only thing the demoncrats are trying to accomplish here is making America look evil and racist. If you will notice, it's the democrats who are always focusing on race, not the republicans.

Point and case...

I follow the "Tulsa: Rants & Raves: section on Craigslist. Sometimes it's very entertaining, often, it's a bunch of very hateful, angry people. However, there is often great insight to be found in people's political and economic ignorance. About 2 weeks ago a gentleman who refers to himself as "downtown" made a post directed towards republicans (because all republicans are racist and hate blacks.) His exact post was this, "HA! How do you racist f*cking pigs like that! Now you got a brother as the chairman of your precious little republican national convention. HA HA HA LOL! I bet you republicans are madder than hell. First a black president you can't stand, now you have to listen to a black man in charge of your convention. I bet you're so angry you can't see straight. Get used to it red states, diversity is here and your racist ways are becoming a thing of the past!"

WOW... again... it is the DEMOCRATS who are racist folks, NOT republicans. Obviously beyond the extent of that democrats very limited education, we republicans as a whole decide who gets to sit in the Chairman's seat. It's not a seat appointed by affirmative rights committees, it's a seat assigned, for the greatest majority, by a bunch of white guys. And guess what? We put a black man in there because we believed him the best for the position. He didn't get it because he was black, he didn't get it because we were trying to meet some quota, he got it because he earned his way towards it.

Folks... it's not the republicans who are racist... again... and I know I'm beating a dead horse here... It's the democrats who are racist. They try to act like they aren't. They pretend to be the party of diversity, but the simple fact is they are not. What are they? The party of lower education. Democrats are some of the most hateful, spiteful people you will ever meet in your life. Their constant goal is to force their beliefs on other people and make everyone around them look bad.

Another point and case: (you folks should really watch southpark)

Kyle's dad: You see son, we live in a liberal democrat society where liberal lawyers get into office and decide what is okay to say and what isn't okay to say, then they make it the law.

Kyle: Isn't that called fascism?

Kyle's dad: No, because we don't call it that, we call it democracy.

Amen and Amen to the writer's of Southpark folks...

Is that show highly offensive to 80% of the population? Yes it is. Do I care? No... in fact, I say God bless America for it. I thank God Southpark is still on the air offending people.

Moving on...

The democrats are trying to control our private lives again. They don't have as much power and control as they like, so they are turning to race. The race card is a very effective card in politics. It's like having an ace in your sleeve; unless you get called out, you're probably going to win when you play it.

You have to ask yourself. How are democrats going to solve this so-called racial coward problem? Will they pass a law saying all lunch breaks have to be racially equal by assuring at least one "minority" in every car? Or perhaps all bars, clubs, social meeting places will require a percentage. Are they going to assign a "race marshall" to oversee this who travels around with the fire marshall? He goes in and takes a count and if the percentage of blacks to whites is off then so many whites or blacks have to leave? This is crazy folks! This is something they can't control... BUT... they're trying to.

Folks... who we hang out with outside of work has absolutely nothing to do with racism. While it does somewhat revolve around race, it more so revolves around culture. America, despite the racist beliefs of black attorney general Eric Holder, IS the ethnic melting pot he and the other racist democrats want you to believe it isn't.

So why are black people and white people not hanging out? To answer that question first answer this one, it's a little more simple. In the lunch room at your local high school, why are white preps not hanging out with white stoners? ... Spell it with me.. C-U-L-T-U-R-E.

Folks... what makes us truly an ethnic melting pot, or, a country blessed in diversity? It's our hundreds and hundreds of unique cultures and life styles. Look at high school alone folks. Of course there are many more cultures and life styles in today's high school, but look at your own. When I was in middle school we had the goths, preps, stoners, jocs, gangstas and the outcast (I was an outcast... the ones that just don't seem to fit in with anyone... I'm still in that group by the way.)

In the classroom, everyone was together. Why? Because we are a nation where, when working and learning, we come together. While we don't hang out in our personal lives, we do come together to move our society forward and get things done. And that folks is the beauty of diversity.

Being ethnically diverse doesn't mean you're a coward if you don't hang out with each other after work, in fact, it's quite the contrary. Look at how great our nation is because of it!

Folks... adults have their own life styles and cultures that they choose to be a part of as well. For the most part, blacks are into rap music and the culture that comes with that lifestyle. For the most part, browns (mexicans) are into spanish speaking music and that culture from their country of origin. For the most part, whites just can't seem to pick a culture but we still have a ton of them that we tend to lean towards. Such as the country lifestyle, the rocker/heavy metal life style or just the average joe life style.

Regardless of what culture we as Americans become a part of, we would be rather out of place hanging out in someone else's culture.

Cultures are formed over time, not over night. People gravitate towards people who are similar in culture? Why? Because they tend to get along better with those people. They have a better time and a more relaxing time.

I guess black attorney general Jeff Holder is right in reality... we do segregate our private lives. BUT! We don't segregate by race, we segregate by culture. And let me say, there are plenty of white people hanging out with black people after work, and vice versa. And white people, please, please, please, look in the mirror. Black people into the rap lifestyle seem to be able to pull off the sagging pants/sideways hat look... you just look like an idiot doing it.

So where's the beauty? Right here... Although we segregate into hundreds of cultures in our private lives, when it comes down to getting things done, we all come together and get to work. Look at the hundreds of cultures of those in our military (see youtube videos and start searching for soldiers videos from Iraq.) Our military segregates into their various cultures during down time, then they come together to get the job done. I see this in my own career as well folks. It's everywhere we look and in everything we do.

I must absolutely disagree with black attorney general Eric Holder and say it is not us segregating American's who are the cowards... is Eric Holder and his fellow democrats who are the cowards. It is they who are the racist and it is them that are trying to take a nation and stir up more racial anger and hate. You have to step back and ask yourself why they are trying to fuel the racial fires that are still burning? We know there is racism in this country, but it's not what it was 50 years ago. Why are black democrats like Eric Holder trying to fuel those fires? Why do they want to stir up anger and hate among the masses? Is it for votes? Is it for popularity? Or is it something much more sinister?

When you find that answer you will understand why I am do adoment about stopping the democrats before it is too late.

I bid you good day.