Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Realization of Racism

The realization of racism.

By Matthew Quinn Llewellyn, Founder
Americas Conservative Movement

Barack Obama is now the President elect of the United States of America. While many have taken a tone of hatred and anger I believe we should take a different tone. Regardless of our liking our President or not, he is still our leader. While we don't have to like him, we do need to show him the respect his position deserves.

I would be just as honored to be photographed with Barack Obama as I would Ronald Reagan. Rather than just send slurs of hatred towards Washington, let us send our prayers. Our leaders need direction, they need guidance, and as we know, you don't have to believe in God, for God to believe in you. President Obama, congratulations on your achievement.

Now... that being said, I'm going to start pointing out some fallacies that I've seen present with this election and I've held my tongue. However, now that Mr. Obama has won, I feel a need to point these out.How many of you have ever been to a doctors office? Or seen a medical documentary? How many have ... you know... If I keep this up it'll go on and on so I'll just stop and move forward.

On November 3rd, 2008 (the day before the election), all over America, there were individuals who have achieved amazing success and accomplished huge feats in their lives. They have been an inspiration to the entire world, to their families, colleagues and of course, their children. Who are they? Allow me to explain... Black people.That's right... Black people.

Black brain surgeons, black heart surgeons, black general physicians, black judges, black senators, black representatives, black governors, black mayors, black police chiefs, black fire chiefs, black paramedics, black 4 star generals, black fighter pilots and black CEO's.

Those black men and women spent their lives taking advantage of the American dream. They worked hard, they studied, they pushed through and ultimately they triumphed. Honestly, I would have thought black children everywhere would look at these people as an inspiration, as would any children. Why? Because they are proof that this America is no longer than America of our grandfathers. This America is the one where every man and woman, regardless of their race or religion, can persevere and achieve anything they put their mind to.

Personally, if I were running for President, I would look to these individuals and say something along the lines of; "... and to all of you, I say, thank you, for showing us all that there is a better way, and with work, we can achieve our dreams."

However, if you are Barack Obama running for President, you say "F*** you" you those people.

(Hey, be happy, I actually censored my own typing there... I considered "screw you" in place of "f*** you" but it just didn't have the same emotion behind it.) Moving on.

When Barack Obama's campaign, and supporters, and people like Oprah Winfrey, went on national television after his victory, they literally said "f*** you" to every black man and woman who has grasped the American dream. They stood there and said that Mr. Obama's election is "finally" an affirmative sign that black people in this nation "really do have a chance now" and that they "finally" can become something better.

Wow... how offended I would be if I were a black person. Every single word they used was just another slap in the face to the forward movement of people like Martin Luther King, Jr.Black people have been on the same playing field as white people for decades now. My God, the Chairman of the Joint Chief's of Staff was General Colin Powell, a black man... I studied about him in my elementary school. I remember being in elementary school and my teacher saying "This goes to show us that today, thanks to people who sacrificed, anyone, regardless of their skin color, can be anything they want."

I was taught this was a problem almost 20 years ago, yet on November 4, 2008 I found out we are just now starting to move forward.

Folks... friends... family... this entire mess sickens me... literally... it makes me sick at my stomach... perhaps that's just the bacon pizza settling... I digress...

The point here is what? The point is that President elect Obama and the far left want you to believe this is a nation of poverty and bigotry. They want you to believe that on November 3, 2008 this nation was full of millions of white oppressive racist and millions of oppressed black people, but on November 4, 2008, that day, my friends, is when the Savior changed the nation... he brought forth his promised change... he delivered the promise land.Side note: I was listening to KRMG around 5:13am election day when they interviewed a black man in Chicago near the election party area where Mr. Obama was to speak. He said and I qoute "I know I won't get close to him, but if I can just touch the grass, just touch the grass, that's all I need to know, is that I was here and touched the grass." Folks... remember people saying "...yet if I only touch his cloak I know my daughter will be healed." President elect Obama is the Messiah to these grossly undereducated people.

Mr. Obama wants us all to believe that he is bringing out of the darkness and into a Utopian dream, where people are dancing in circles, everyone is holding hands and all the little boys and girls of the world are using the same baby powder on their bottoms.

It's a myth people... we don't live in a world like this. We live in a world of unfairness. However, we, as Americans, already live in what others in 3rd world countries consider Utopia. We already live in the land where every boy and girl, regardless of race can be whatever they want.

Somehow, I don't know how, but somehow, Mr. Obama caused everyone to forget that.

Let's move on to this other little myth. I am getting sick and tired of hearing everyone say "We finally elected a black President." ... NO WE DID NOT!!! You can't hear me, but if you could, I would be yelling that very loudly I assure you.


What's that? You want proof... I'll give you proof... but first... let's play by the myth. The myth is that Obama is half black and half white. Right? Right. So... if this is true, exactly what makes him black? Why can't he be white? He was white before. President elect Obama used to go by a different name than Barack, he was once known as Barry. Barry, was the name he used while growing up, going to college and used shortly after college. Barry clung to his white heritage and completely dismissed his black and other heritage (we'll get to the other later.) He didn't want in any way to have an association to that heritage. He did everything he could to avoid it. Why? Who knows and who cares. The fact is, he did. However, there came a day that Barry decided he wanted to get into politics. All of a sudden he was no longer Barry, but now, he was Barack, the black, minority, just trying to stand up against his white oppressors and make a better future for black people and minorities like him around the world.

Now... here's the truth. Mr. Obama's mother was 100% white, which would make him 50% white. His father was (roughly) 75% black and 25% aramaic, which would make Mr. Obama (roughly) 35% black and 15% aramaic. Wait a minute? Does that mean? YES! It does! Here everyone is shouting victory for electing the first black President when in reality... you just elected another white guy. One that I am sure will forget the minorities now just as quickly as he did before he started this campaign.

My final thought is that or ironic nature. Oprah, the Reverend Jackson, and the largest majority of big Obama supporters came out and told the world that this election was proof that a black man in this nation could do anything. Their logic, a black man finally can run for President in this country and win. WOW... this one is so easy to take apart I didn't even have to try.

This may come as a surprise to you, but since the early 20th century, there has been a black man run for President in every single election. I'm serious... look it up. In fact, on average, there are 20-30 people running for President in every election. As time progresses those with the largest amounts of money make it to the final 4-6 and those with even more money make it to the final 2, then, the 1 that is the member of the party that the nation currently dislikes the least wins the election. Black people have ran for President for decades folks. What made Obama different? Money... good old fashioned green paper.

Up until President elect Obama announced he was running for President he was a no-name to everyone outside of Illinois. In fact, even after he announced it, he was still a no-name. The media noticed him about just as much as anyone else who wasn't already a big national name. So what changed? Mr. Obama went out and spent millions and millions of dollars getting his name out there so he would have to be a well known name across the country, thus, the media had to pick it up, because people we're then getting interested. Everyone says Obama won because he was black... no he didn't... he's not black. Others say he won for his policies... no he didn't... his voters didn't know what his policies were.

Howard Stern had a feature just the other day where voters were asked who they supported. Those that said Obama were then presented with McCain's policies and asked since those are Obama's policies do they still support him, and they all said yes.

He won the election why? Because he had a whole lot more money than McCain to spend on the election. So... considering that's what really happened. What message is really being sent to the black children in this country? Is it: you can be anything you want to be no matter what? Or is it: You can be anything you want, so long as you have a whole, whole lot more money than whitey does, otherwise... you're screwed.

I bid you good-day and good-night.

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