Lies, Lies and More Lies.
By Matthew Llewellyn, Founder
America's Conservative Movement
I found today's column on yahoo news. Today's column was inspired by an article I found entitled "Obama left with little time to curb global warming". Credits for that story, though they are horribly researched, go to those indicated on their page.
The story I am taking from will be in "black", my replies will be in "blue".
When Bill Clinton took office in 1993, global warming was a slow-moving environmental problem that was easy to ignore. Now it is a ticking time bomb that President-elect Barack Obama can't avoid.
Since Clinton's inauguration, summer Arctic sea ice has lost the equivalent of Alaska, California and Texas. The 10 hottest years on record have occurred since Clinton's second inauguration. Global warming is accelerating. Time is close to running out, and Obama knows it.
A ticking time bomb? I think not. Let's go to the real facts here folks. False scares such as global warming have been present in our economy since the media joined the true liberal agenda. In the 1960's we were told there would be a huge population boom that would lead to world starvation. Didn't happen. In the 1960's again, we were told there was a global warming being caused by man's industrialization of the world. We were told, in the 1960's, if nothing was done, we would be dead before the year 2000. Didn't happen. But what did happen? In the 1970's the temperatures started to go back down dramatically. So what did the media and liberals say? We are causing global cooling and were going to cause the next ice age. Didn't happen.
What was the cause behind their global warming scare? Green house gases. The green house gases were trapping hot air and not allowing the world to ventilate into space. What was the cause for the global cooling scare? Green house gases. The green house gases were trapping in cold air and not allowing in heat from space via the sun. Which is it? Are we causing global cooling? Or are we causing global warming? OR... Are we causing neither? This is what I intend to debunk with today's article.
Who knows what caused the warmer temperatures in the 1960's that led to the scare? Anyone? No one? Not a single person? Okay... I'll tell you. Solar flares. Solar flare activity was very high. Now, did liberals ever attribute this to the cause? Nope. However, science, by accident, did.
Recently we discovered that the temperate on Neptune is rising. It's getting hotter... on Neptune. The furthest planet from the Sun (Pluto is now classified a moon not a planet) is getting hotter. What reason did NASA itself give us? It would seem, there was some solar flare activity not long ago with our soon. Appearantly the heat from those flares is now getting to Neptune and increasing it's overall global temperature. Hmm... So... When Neptune heats up, it's because of the sun. When any planet heats up, it's because of the sun. But when the Earth heats up, it's evil industry killing mother earth.
I was actually surprised by the data with Neptune. I automatically assumed the Neptunians were driving their SUV's too often and creating green house gases and thus causing global warming. Or is it global cooling that causes? I can't keep up with which one liberal scientist say it causes from day to day.
We all learned about Global Warming and man destroying the Earth from Al Gore's wonderful science fiction film, An Inconvenient Truth. This is what the media is basing everything off of. They are taking straight from Al's movie and turning into media produced mass hysteria. I think it's only fair we allow real scientist to have their turn when it comes to what they call "A Collection of Convenient Outright Lies."
Thank you to The Science and Public Policy Institute for your years of tireless research which led to exposing the lies about global warming. The Institute found not 1, not 2, not 3, but 35 outright lies. Basically, the entire movie.
You can read all the lies here
The British High Court assigned scientist to investigate the movie. They charged Al Gore, to which he still has not faced accountability, with spreading mass hysteria by telling 9 absolute, definitive, outright lies.
Read that story here
The liberals claim that the hottest years on record have been in our recent history, most within this and last decade. NOT! Again, more lies.
This global warming religion (which I'll prove later) has reached the highest levels of government. Even NASA helped lie about it. NASA scientist came out with research stating that 1998 was the hottest year on record. It was later discovered that the scientist intentionally misfed figures into the database in order to produce the results they wanted. When scientist inserted the real data, they discovered the hottest year on record was 1934. Furthermore, the beginning of this century was the hottest man can remember ever seeing, and over the duration of the century, we've been cooling down.
Read that entire story here
And here are the corrected database records recording temperatures
Folks, I'm going to keep going; but do I really need too? I mean seriously. What more do you want for proof? I can do this all day long. I have researched global warming more than most of you have spent time at work. Let's get back to the Yahoo News story I'm debunking.
"The time for delay is over; the time for denial is over," he said on Tuesday after meeting with former Vice President Al Gore, who won a Nobel Peace Prize for his work on global warming. "We all believe what the scientists have been telling us for years now that this is a matter of urgency and national security and it has to be dealt with in a serious way."
Did you know that Al Gore was the first person in history to nominate themselves for the Nobel Peace Prize? Well, now you do.
In actuality, as we are now seeing as more and more truth comes forward, Al Gore has a group of scientist about 100 strong that are backing his global warming lies. The rest of the scientist in the world completely disagree with the facts being offered by alarmist.
Real scientist hate global warming so much they formed this petition to stop it.
This petition has been signed by MORE than 31,000 scientist in the U.S. alone! Wow!
Okay just so you know, I've left out paragraphs from the Yahoo News story that are irrelevent, such as "he's meeting with so and so to discuss...", etc.
Obama is pushing changes in the way Americans use energy, and produce greenhouse gases, as part of what will be a massive economic stimulus. He called it an opportunity "to re-power America."
People look at conservatives, libertarians, and anyone against the global warming myth as being against the environment. This is an outright fallicy. We are completely for the environment. We believe in improving upon the way we do things. We believe in leaving less and less imprint in the world as we move society forward. But, we do not believe in taking part in a mass hystery based on false testimonies being used to push forward a liberal propoganda to do away with capitalism (get to this later as well.)
"We need to start in January making significant changes," Gore said in a recent telephone interview with The Associated Press. "This year coming up is the most important opportunity the world has ever had to make progress in really solving the climate crisis."
Scientists are increasingly anxious, talking more often and more urgently about exceeding "tipping points."
"We're out of time," Stanford University biologist Terry Root said. "Things are going extinct."
Things have been going extinct since the dawn of time. Seriously folks. To debunk these statements just refer to links provided earlier in the column.
I tell you what, if you want to read the rest of the filth Yahoo News adorned it's site with please feel free. I already read it once, and it made me sick the first time. Trust me, it's just the same thing over and over, and if I continue to cover it, I'm just saying the same thing over and over.
So what is global warming? Is it real?
YES! It is. BUT! So is global cooling. The earth's temperature goes up and down all the time. This is part of the natural recycling chain that maintains the environment. Much like our own body has buffer systems designed to maintain homeostasis. Our temperature goes up and down throughout the day too in case you didn't know. As do our blood pressures, pulse and respiratory rate, as well as other metabolic functions.
Did you know that right know the Pacific ocean is actually at its coolest temperature in nearly 20 years? Scientist say this is because the oceans naturally go through cycles of hotter and colder. Again... as long as it's not the temperature affecting man, or if it's on another planet, it's natural. But when it's affecting man, it's caused by evil man.
Did you know many places throughout the world are seeing some of the earliest and heaviest winters they've had in decades? Well, they are.
What is global warming really? It's a religion being formed by the Reverend Al Gore to advance the liberal agenda to abolish capitalism. There, I said it.
Liberals have been trying to abolish capitalism and slowly insert socialism for 50 years. It wasn't until they began their environment scares that they started to receive the public support needed to start having the government take over private industries. They've been using scare after scare to justify this. Offering new plans, reimbursement programs, subsidy programs, etc, while constantly taking more and more government control over private industry.
The larger they can make the false crisis, and the more people they can terrify, the easier it is for them to abolish capitalism and ultimately birth their socialist utopia. For more on this see my examination of the Communist Manifesto.
So it global warming a religion? Yes. Proof? Sure...
Al Gore has been traveling the globe for almost 15 years now. He goes from town to town and holds special meetings. At these meetings, he teaches those attending to go out, form new chapters against global warming. He teaches them how to bring in new members, how to bring in funds, when, where and how to conduct meetings. They are to base everything from his teachings and spread his word throughout the world. Folks, he's going around making disciples, and their Reverend, their, god, is him.
If you still believe in global warming being caused by man, I don't think there is much hope for you left. Global warming is real, but again, so is global cooling. Neither of which are we responsible for nor do we even have the capability to changing if we wanted too. Short of Nuclear Winter, man is far too weak and puny to affect what God so perfectly designed.
I bid you good day.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
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