Thursday, September 24, 2009

Those Who Know Not Their History...

Those Who Know Not Their History...
Matthew Q. Llewellyn, Founder
The American Libertarian Movement

Folks... I'm going to keep this fairly short today because honestly, the videos tell the story that you need to know.

In Burlington, NJ, an indoctrinator in the public school system is teaching children to sing praises to Obama... No... I'm not kidding. Your tax dollars are paying the government to teach your children to sing praises to Obama.

See the video here

Folks... those who know not history are doomed to repeat it.

Here's a video of muslim children being taught to praise and kill themselves for Allah.

And here's another video of a big lovable teddy bear who taught children to sing and chant praises to him... You probably know him as Hitler.

It's sad really... the damage this domestically elected terrorist has done to our country will never be fixed in any of our lifetimes. America as we once knew it, will never again be the same. However... for our children... for their future... it can be changed. The deciding factor as to which way that tide will turn is up to you.

I bid you good day.

1 comment:

  1. You are correct, the mindless have elected a true trojan horse that has brought the idea of being American into a very bad place.
